Saturday, November 26, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

I had a very nice first Thanksgiving day! Grandma Katee was in town and we went over to Mimi's house for a wonderful turkey and all of the fixins!We took some great pictures too!

Monday, November 14, 2005

More Christening Pictures

Here are some more pictures: Four Generations (Me, Mom, Grandpa Keith and Paw Paw Al); Mimi, Papa, Mom, Dad and me; Aunt Becky, Mom and me;


I was Christened on Sunday, November 13th. It was an adventure! I wore the Christening gown that my Great, Great grandmother made when my Nana Renie was Christened. Since then it was worn by all of Mimi's children and almost all of her grandchildren! 12 people in all before me!! Mimi had the initials of all of the people that wore the dress before me embriodered on the gown right before I wore it. It was almost like they were all with me on my special day! We had lots of family come to the church to see the ceremony and others joined us at our house afterwards to celebrate. It was a great day!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Three Months Old

Well I am three month old now and this has been a month full of milestones! I can roll over from my stomach to my back, smile, laugh( only two times so far) and coo! The weather has changed; I'm trying to get used to the cool air and having to wear pants. I weigh 15 pounds now and I am very stong! I love going on walks each afternoon with my Mom and Josey (Aunt Holly's dog). I suck on my hands all of the time to amuse myself and I'm finally going to be baptized on November 13th. The baptizm was pushed back because of the hurricane and my Mom is worried that I won't fit into the Christening gown. We will keep you posted as more exciting things happen !