Hurricane Katrina
On my one month birthday Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. We had evaucated to my Pops(Bill's Dad) house in Alexandria. Since then we have been in Lafayette and Fort Walton. I have been an evacuee half of my life!! We are fine! Daddy went home to see our house and there is almost no damage. The rest of our city is demolished. It is very upsetting. Even my Aunt Holly's house is ruined. We are blessed beyond words because we are safe and everyone we know is O.K. Daddy started working again at the Zea in Clearview Mall so we are finally back home.
I am getting settled again at my house and I am really glad to be home! I have started hating my carseat from all of the driving that we did over the past few weeks during the catastrophe! I am also sleeping in my big boy crib. That is a huge milestone for us!