Monday, April 06, 2009
Camille One Month

Friday, March 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Thanksgiving 2006
We went to Altanta to Uncle Joe (Go) and Aunt Lisa's for Thanksgiving this year. Once again, I was very good on the flight- now I'm a well seasoned traveler! We went to the Georgia Aquarium which I loved. I've never seen soo many fish!! (I can make sign language for fish) It was nice to see all of the Cooling side of the family... I hadn't seen Gramma since Halloween.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Eleven Months Old
Well I'm almost one year old! I can stand up very well and I say a few things: Dada, Mama and other things that are not really words, but I'm working on it! I am very good with my baby sign language and I can do "more" and I understand Milk, Eat and Juice. My Mom is trying to teach me "All Gone", but I am not very accepting of that one since I don't like my meal times to end. Lately my favorite things are swimming in my pool, playing with my new Elmo and crawling around the house at lighting speed! I also went to Mommy's work and got to crawl around her office! It was a big adventure!! Stay tuned because we are going to the beach soon!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Ten Months Old
Each month I grow more and more as well as smarter and smarter! I am beginning to stand by myself- only to about the count of five right now, but it gets longer each day, I am eating almost anything- I have a HEALTHY appetite, I can point at things, and I LOVE my swimming pool! I am beginning to thin out a bit, but I still have nice stocky thighs and a big belly. I have a new smile that I do now since I am beginning to get two more teeth on the top. The first picture is of my WORST HAIR DAY EVER!! My Mom came to get me after a nap, saw my hair and felt that she needed a picture. Next is me in the pool. Lastly is a picture of me after trying to eat the bubbles in my bath- I have a Santa Claus beard!!I miss you all!